I don't want to ruin any parts of the book, so I will keep this discussion about the beginning. I tried to stop reading at a certain point, so I would be more interested in writing about it, but I finished the book before July started. I have no self control. I liked Twilight more, probably because I am in love with Edward. The book seemed very long in the middle and I had a hard time keeping up with who was talking. Someone mentioned feeling like they had multiple personality disorder while they read this - I did too. I like body snatcher stories; if The Stepford Wives is on TV, I will watch it even though the movie is bad. So, I liked the premise behind this story, but it has some problems, which we can talk about at the end of the month.
It was curious that the author named the body snatchers "souls," but never brought up the issue of the human soul. I suppose that would make it more confusing. I also wanted to see how Stephenie Meyer would handle the issue of sex in an adult book, but she used the lack of birth control excuse. Denied! I think she did a good job making us like Melanie and The Wanderer, even when we should dislike the one who took over Melanie.
I found one general question for tonight. I will post more at the end of the month:
Are the Souls morally culpable for what they do to so many species in the universe? What reason do they give for taking over others' minds, and is that justifiable -- or does it essentially amount to genocide?
I thought the reason the souls took over Earth was because they perceived us as violent and destructive to the planet, but when other places are mentioned, no reason was given. I didn't think it was justified and they seemed just as cruel.
What are your thoughts so far?
I am disorganized and trying to keep up with too much, so I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet. :( I'm all set for Flannery O'Conner soon though!! And I'm definitely still intrigued to read The Host as soon as I have time...
Posted by: Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom | July 31, 2009 at 08:42 AM