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July 14, 2009


What a GREAT job Anne! The tags on the bags (nicely sewn btw) are the coolest. The cake looks great and tastes better than Ace of Cakes could have done it, I'm sure!!!

So so so great. I'm stealing much of this for our Star Wars party that I keep putting off.

Wow. You make it look easy. I have two boys too and I've never attempted a homemade party out of complete fear. How brave you are! You've inspired me though. My oldest is turning six this October...I'll keep you posted.

Dang lady! That is a fantastic party you put together. I a super impressed with ALL of it. That cake was awesome. AWSOME.

Well, I love your party. It's adorable! Including the cakes. I've done a few homemade parties (two slip-n-slide parties, one pool party, one dinosaur party, and one camping party). They are so cute, but so stressful. This summer, we're going to the beach with both sets of grandparents for my 9 yr olds bday. It was his idea, actually. For his last 2 parties we've taken a couple of his best friends to a water park. Just as expensive, but way less stressful for me. You're a good mama.

Those treat bags are hella cute!!!

Way to go lady! Good work. :)

The party looked great! I love the batman and robin frozen in ice. and the treat bags look so awesome

SO RAD! And you're nuts, that Batmobile cake is a masterpiece. Dash only wishes he could get something like that out of me. And consider your ice block idea stolen.

Looks GREAT! I think you're a champion party planner. The cakes are amazing (both of them!) and the tags look right out of the comic! *applause*

I think your cakes looks amazing! What a fun party, the ice blocks are such a great idea! I'll be linking to this if you don't mind.

You so ROCK! Everything looked great! I thought the Batmobile was awesome! And your treat bags....Awesome! You are so creative!

Do tell, where do you find a bug vacuum? I have a niece and nephew that would love something like that!

That picture of E is heart breaking, and precious. Always over do the parties.

wow. that is one impressive party. i adore those name tags on the treat bags. so great. the tent crying shot is classic - it wouldn't be a party if at least one kid wasn't crying...

Are you kidding? There is NO way I would turn you into cakewrecks. That thing is awesome. And I bet every kid totally got the POW allusion immediately. They are born with that knowledge.

Wish I could make party's like you!!
This must have been such a hit.
Have a great weekend :)

I love this post! As a mom of three boys who has also tried her hand at homemade parties, I can relate all too well. This looked awesome! Love the details, love the Mr. Freeze game, love it all :)!!!

That is so cool i love batman is the best he always catch the joker . he is bad the joker always try to kill every one im not sure why the is psychotic but he hates batman and he always will try to kill him.

We all know how Batman is appealing to the children nowadays. Especially with boys who are fun of watching not only his series in cartoons, but also his movies. Many children portray him because they idolized him. It would be really fun to set Batman as a theme for a certain party for your child.

This is terrific--thanks for all the great ideas. My son wants a Batman birthday party and I'm trying to plan it out. I love the Mr. Freeze game!

Great ideas. I used your Mr. Freeze game for my son's birthday party. You can see it here:

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