I'm sorry I haven't updated this blog since May, but I've been busy doing nothing. At least I'm still getting comments from people selling Russian brides and Viagra!
My son looked out the window this morning and said, "Yep, we need snow pants." 20.3 inches...everything is closed - even Dunkin Donuts. School is closed again tomorrow, but the plows have been through, so everyone should be back at work. My bird bath in the corner.
I'm sorry I don't post more here, but I can't seem to catch up. I'm very excited and nervous to have two photographs in this art show on Friday: here. I don't feel that I belong in the show, but it will be fun and a good experience. I will share the pictures after the show.
My cousin sent me Ninjabread men cookie cutters from Fred Flare. There are only two because the dog at an entire plate of them. The dog also chewed the lights off the tree. Sweet little dog.
The days before Christmas are always busy, but for some reason I feel calm. You reach a point where you have to give up on a craft you thought you would complete & ignore the feeling that you should bake cookies for 10 hours. It's a good time to look at the decorations...